Production: Shoot day and schedule


For our first (and only) day of shooting we decided to film on a working week day as it was easier for all of us to afford the transport straight from school. The timing was set from 5pm to 9pm as we needed night time to suit our horror genre.

All of our team members except jibran karamat (the editor) were present at the shooting site.  We planned to shoot at one of the members house as it was convenient and affordable.

We picked all the costumes at the set location. This is me with the blue top that we picked as blue represents melancholy which further links with our narrative.
This is our producer and actor muskaan ifan in process of filming. She did method acting for the following scenes (actually crying) which suited perfectly for our film and added to the realism and emotions in the scene.
This is a picture of us team members discussing how to carry on our shoot. We also had a helping hand from our other friends and siblings who assisted in holding the lights and actions eg the door closing and light flicker.


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