Production: editing

 The software we used to edit was Premiere Pro. This is the timeline for the editing file.

Audio: Foley sounds, like the sink running, walking sound effects, doors opening and closing, lights flickering etc. Music was added as well, and other sounds that are outside the film world like suspense risers and stingers, that's what you hear at the end during the jumpscare. During some of the dubbing, to achieve the effect of talking on the phone, we added low and high pass filters on the audio tracks to make it sound compressed. There was also a sound bridge added in between the scenes at 0:40.

Visuals: In terms of VFX and color grading, we added glow onto some scenes without the tablet screen in the frame (that way you can see what is on the screen), to give it a more euphoric, hallucinogenic feel. Subtitles were added as well to make the dialogues more clear. The intro text was added as well to set the tone and scene of the whole film, establishing the genre as horror.


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