Planning: Location Reece

The place where you are shooting matters as much as all the other factors, maybe a bit more because it is a visual factor and so it is our job to make sure that the audience is visually pleased. 

For the room and garden we decided on using one of the crew members room, Jiban Karamat has a house in Askari with a cute garden type in-front. We chose it because we can utilize that location as two different locations and the natural light would be amazing to shoot in. 

As for the Café we first went to Chaye Khana and had a discussion there, we liked the dark tones of the Café and the checkered tables were a good connotation that we could’ve linked with our story. After the discussion with the team, we talked with the manager and they first didn’t let us use the restaurant because of their policy and later on, after a lot of persuading they agreed on letting us use their “event room” for 5 thousand Rupees/hour. After visiting their event room we didn’t like the vibe. It was too conserved, barely any natural light and gave more of a mafia/ action movie vibes.

New location : Basha Istanbul 

After a lot of searching and going around the city, we found our final location, (even though it was a restaurant and not café we instantly fell in love with it, the terrace view, the lighting, the ambiance. Everything fitted the vibe we were going for, perfectly. We instantly agreed on the location and went to talk to the manager, he asked us about our project, made sure it was appropriate and let us shoot there free of cost on the only condition that at-least we pay for the food / eat there.


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