Preliminary Task: Idea & Narrative Construction

The idea and story behind our first practice video was inspired by our subject teacher who suggested we film a video based on some family conflict. this was the idea we came up with, it was simple and followed the comedic genre with enough practice for us to improve further filming. the camera work and filming was done by me and i tried my best to help with the story telling and comedy with the use of my camera. we picked a suitable place to film our scenes too so they go along with the narrative. the division of roles was also collective as everyone agreed to help in every element.

The second practice video was done based on a genre. we are suggested to pick a genre and show emotions through the actors. so we picked the strongest actors among us and decided to film the video near our school main ground as it had the fitting location and lighting. this time the idea was more focused oN the sound, editing and camera rather than having a complex story base so we chose to make the film silent with no dialogues. This way we were able to be more creative with the camera and lighting etc


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