steps to perfect comp and framing

  • Rule of thirds:

The rule of thirds is a composition guideline that places your subject in the left or right third of an image, leaving the other two thirds more open. It posits that a visual composition is most pleasing to the eye when its compositional elements conform to an imaginary set of lines that divide the frame into equal thirds, both horizontally and vertically.

The vertical lines portray things that go vertical, such as : trees,  humans, ett.

The horizontal lines portray things that are lined with the horizon, such as : stairs

  • centre of frame: 
In order to show that your subject is in authority, you put them in the center of the grid with a lower angle, only then is the rule of thirds broken.
  • Shape of the subject:
turn the camera towards where the object is facing (looking room)
object should be near central points however depends on object eg eyes should be near the centre

  • Moving: 
Should be on the vertical line and headroom should be kept less for black borders.


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