Planning: Location Risk Analysis

Every location comes with it’s own risk, whether it’s a café, the road or even your own bedroom. 

The risks do vary in the range of high, medium and low and today we are going to analyze it for the locations we found fitting for our shooting. 

Location no.1 : The Cafe 

A coffee shop can have a calming atmosphere and enticing aromas but when you examine the place closely there might be more risks than you expect. 

1. Muscle strain or sprains from slips and fall 

2. Burns or cuts

3. Property 

Slips and falls are very common sort of accidents and injuries. It can occur easily at a coffee shop due to wet and slippery floors due to spills from beverages and food, trips can also occur from uneven flooring or insufficient lighting in certain areas. 

Burns and cuts are most obvious coffee shop risk , burns can be caused from the hot coffee but also from a spill and cuts can occur from the utensils or uneven wooden table surface. 

Coffee shops have not only expensive machinery but they also tend to have expensive decor and seatings in order to match the aesthetics of the place, there is a possibility that the cast or the crew might end up damaging something. 

Location no.2 : The Garden 

A garden is a very aesthetically pleasing and simple place to film at but once the place is examined, it might come up with a few risks. 

1. Sun burn and heat exhaustion 

2. Insect bites

3.cuts and scrapes  

Even though we are in middle of the winter, a sunny day can still give you sun burns or make you feel dizzy and exhausted, an easy way to ditch that is to apply sun screen under makeup and take plenty of water. 

Filming in the garden can cause different bug bites without knowing but it can be harmless and also easily repelled by putting on insect repellents. 

Cuts and scrapes can occur if the surface is uneven or if the person touches the flowers carelessly, causing the thorns to cut through the skin. Keeping bandages at hand can help deal with this problem quickly. 

Location no.3 : Bedroom

Your bedroom can be the safest place to film or that’s what you thought until you end up looking in detail. The risks might not be major but they are present. 

1. Tripping hazard 

2. Electrocution hazard

3. Falling equipment and props 

A room is a congested place and with all the wiring around you can end up tripping and causing swerve damage to yourself other than there is a chance of getting electrocuted if you haven’t plugged the wires in correctly or are touching them with wet hands. The last thing that can occur unexpectedly is the props of the equipment falling on you which can also cause swear injuries.


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